Organisations can request permission to film and photograph at sporting venues managed by UQ Sport at The University of Queensland’s (UQ) St Lucia campus. All photography and filming requests must be processed and approved by UQ’s Office of Marketing and Communications (M&C) to ensure the project is appropriate, and that the necessary security and insurance requirements are in place.
News / Editorial Requests
All filming approvals are subject to the submission of a current Public Liability Insurance certificate. M&C keeps copies of these on file for most major media organisations, so it may not be necessary to seek this certificate for every filming request. Please note, only UQ or UQ Sport-related editorial requests will be considered.
Commercial Requests
Please note that UQ Sport will not process commercial filming or photography requests that are not for the benefit of UQ Sport or The University of Queensland. Filming or photography is defined as commercial if it is commissioned, or if the content obtained will be used for financial gain and/or promotional purposes.