Sports clubs at UQ are voluntary organisations established by students and associates who are motivated by a common interest to participate in a specific sport. They are formed to provide an opportunity for members to gain new skills, engage in competition and enjoy recreational and social activities.
Members in each club are responsible for the internal organisation and conduct of their club activities.
All UQ Sport affiliated clubs are required to be incorporated and have their own constitutions.
Therefore, the success and strength of clubs depend on initiative, motivation and leadership of the officers, and the involvement of club members. As such, affiliated clubs present a unique opportunity for members to develop both sports and leadership skills.
UQ Sport is supportive of the establishment of new clubs, however we will not affiliate a new club
where one already exists in that sport. On request, UQ Sport will provide the interested party with an affiliation information pack.
The University of Queensland,
Sir William MacGregor Dr,
St Lucia, Qld 4067
UQ acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which UQ is situated. — Reconciliation at UQ
UQ Sport reinvests all profits into services, facilities, and programs, and is supported by funding from the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) to benefit UQ students.
UQ Sport Ltd is a division of UQ Holdings.