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Tips to Stay Fit & Strong for People Over 50

Tips to Stay Fit & Strong for People Over 50

UQ Sport Personal Training Coordinator Mark McCutchan shares his strength and fitness advice for getting the most out of life over 50.

With so many different forms of exercise these days, it can be confusing to know what to do. Here at UQ Sport we offer a wide variety of activities to help everyone achieve their fitness goals.

Doing something is better than doing nothing, and our team can help maximise fitness benefits for the effort you are putting in.

Strength Training

Strength training is the best activity to maintain muscle strength and bone density, and is the number one activity I recommend to everyone.

Regular strength sessions of 45 minutes, two to three times a week, greatly reduce the rate of muscle loss. As we age our body starts to slow down. We can’t stop this, but we can drastically reduce the rate at which our muscles slow down. A periodised strength program is the best way to maintain as much muscle as possible.

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