Please refer to the UniSport website for further details on registrations.
Registration dates vary for all UniSport Nationals events. Please refer to the UniSport website for further details.
Entry costs vary year-to-year depending on where the UniSport Nationals competition is held. Please refer to the UniSport website to view costs for each competition. Please note, other expenses such as transport, accommodation and playing uniforms are in addition to competition entry costs. Each sport has its own designated Sport-specific Manager (SSM) who liaises with UQ Sport to organise the likes of transport, accommodation and uniforms. The SSM will be able to confirm any additional costs related to your event.
In some instances, UniSport may refund your registration fee (less an administration fee) on production of a medical certificate. All withdrawals need to be co-signed by UQ Sport. Expenses relating to the likes of transport, accommodation and playing uniforms may not be refundable.
Please email us immediately and provide the correct information. If incorrect information has already been submitted to UniSport, they may charge an administration fee to correct the mistake.
Sport-specific Managers (SSM) are the main contact person for each team and must meet criteria set out in a position description. SSMs are responsible for coordinating their sporting team to compete at a UniSport Nationals event. Being an SSM is a great way to develop leadership and organisational skills that would be beneficial to your resume. Please email us if you wish to apply for a SSM role.
For large-scale UniSport Nationals events, such as Nationals Div 1 and Div 2, Team UQ will be accompanied by a number of University Team Managers (UTM). The number of UTMs that attend depend on the size of Team UQ. For some standalone National events, individuals will attend unescorted.
Yes, provided the competition schedules don’t clash, you can compete in more than one sport. This is called a cross-registration. Cross-registered athletes must pay an additional registration fee for each sport they participate in.
Your sport may be offered as a standalone event. Please refer to the UniSport website.
If you are interest in competing at UniSport Nationals, please email us.
UQ acknowledges the Traditional Owners and their custodianship of the lands on which UQ is situated. — Reconciliation at UQ
UQ Sport reinvests all profits into services, facilities, and programs, and is supported by funding from the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) to benefit UQ students.
UQ Sport Ltd is a division of UQ Holdings.